Student organizations are an integral part of the SU community
Whether you are an undergraduate or graduate student, there are student organizations that fit your interests. We have 60+ student organizations! If you can’t find what you’re looking for, you can even start your own!
Questions? Contact Assistant Director of Student Engagement Autumn Pryor at
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Interested in joining a student organization?
View the full list of student organizations in the table below. The list is updated periodically and can be filtered for primary student population and location. Click the plus icon to see the full description for each organization.
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Status | Student Organization | Short Name | Primary Population | Location(s) | Categories | Description |
Active | Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy | AMCP | Graduate | HPB | Academic/Professional | Special Interest | To empower its members to serve society by using sound medication management principles and strategies to improve health care for all. |
Active | Alpha Psi Omega | APO | Undergraduate & Graduate | WIN | Fine/Creative Arts | Greek Lettered Organization | Honorary | The purpose is to stimulate interest in Theater at Shenandoah University and to secure for Shenandoah University all of the advantages provided by a National Honorary Dramatic Society. |
Active | American College of Clinical Pharmacy | ACCP | Graduate | HPB. | Academic/Professional | Special Interest | Our student chapter of ACCP focuses on serving our community and strengthening our clinical pharmacy knowledge. |
Active | American Pharmacists Association - Academy of Student Pharmacists | APhA-ASP | Graduate | HPB | Academic/Professional | Special Interest | The mission of the APhA Academy of Student Pharmacists (APhA-ASP) is to be the collective voice of student pharmacists, to provide opportunities for professional growth, to improve patient care, and to envision and advance the future of pharmacy. |
Active | Black Acting Methods Society | BAMS | Undergraduate | WIN | Academic/Professional | Cultural Diversity | Fine/Creative Arts | Special Interest | The primary mission of the Black Acting Methods Society is to educate, re-educate, recuperate and disseminate the vast contributions of Africans and African Americans to the field of performing arts. |
Active | Black Student Union | BSU | Undergraduate & Graduate | WIN | Academic/Professional | Cultural Diversity | To become a professionally organized body of students on the campus that deals with integrating minority culture into the standards of the University. |
Active | Catholic Campus Ministry | CCM | Undergraduate & Graduate | WIN | Religious | It shall be the purpose of Catholic Campus Ministry to provide and welcome Shenandoah University students to learn and be open about the Catholic faith and to allow Shenandoah Catholic students to grow together in their Catholic faith through fellowship, worship, prayer, and service. |
Active | Chinese Students and Scholars Association | CSSA | Undergraduate & Graduate | WIN | Cultural Diversity | To help all students and scholars to study, work and live in SU; To assist SU in the administrative management of Chinese students; To act as a platform for dialogue and exchange of Chinese students and scholars of SU; To actively carry out various cultural exchanges with schools and all walks of life active. |
Active | Coalition of Occupational Therapy Advocates for Diversity | COTAD | Graduate | WIN | Cultural Diversity | Academic/Professional | Service | Special Interest | To empower occupational therapy leaders to engage in practices that increase justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion (JEDI); anti-racism and anti-oppression for a transformative occupational therapy profession. |
Active | Delight Ministry Chapter | Delight | Undergraduate | WIN | Religious | Delight is a college women's ministry that seeks to cultivate Christ-centered community to foster vulnerability and transform stories. |
Active | Dieverse Games For Diverse People | DGDP | Undergraduate | WIN | Cultural Diversity | Special Interest | Sports/Recreation | 🎲verse (pronounced the same as Diverse) is a club that is dedicated to increasing the diversity of the tabletop gaming community. |
Active | Disability Advocacy Committee | DAC | Undergraduate & Graduate | WIN | Cultural Diversity | A non-judgmental, safe space led by and for disabled people where you know everyone understands the experiences of being disabled and the issues that it comes with. We strive to engage in advocacy centered on dismantling ableism and engaging folks in constructive dialogue and collective action. |
Active | Environmental and Sustainability Club | ESC | Undergraduate | WIN | Service | ESC strives to take action in making our campus and community more sustainable and promoting an appreciation for the environment through outdoor activities. |
Pending | Esports Experience for Professionals | EXP | Undergraduate | WIN | Academic/Professional | This club serves to provide its members with professional development experience in the world of esports. This club is targeted at careers in esports, but is open to any and all students. |
Active | Estudiantes Unidos | EU | Undergraduate & Graduate | WIN | Cultural Diversity | Estudiantes Unidos seeks to promote the Hispanic/Latinx heritage through cultural, educational, and social activities while creating a sense of community among our members on campus. Members are encouraged to explore Hispanic/Latinx culture and serve the community through various community service projects throughout each school year. |
Active | Fellowship of Christian Athletes | FCA | Undergraduate & Graduate | WIN | Religious | Uniting athletes, non-athletes, coaches, faculty, and staff through faith-based lessons to deepen their relationship with Jesus Christ by providing an atmosphere of unity and teamwork. |
Active | Food Recovery Network | FRN | Undergraduate & Graduate | WIN | Special Interest | Food Recovery Network at Shenandoah University is here on campus to empower the next generation of student leaders to create, innovative and sustainable solutions to hunger. Fighting Waste. Feeding People. |
Active | Harambee Gospel Choir | Harambee | Undergraduate & Graduate | WIN | Cultural Diversity | Fine/Creative Arts | Religious | To enlighten the spiritual growth amongst students as well as encouraging diversity through gospel music. To create an atmosphere of fellowship and fun through song. |
Pending | Harmonizing Hornets | HaHo | Undergraduate | WIN | Fine/Creative Arts | Student A Cappella Group |
Active | HERcules Lift Club | HLC | Undergraduate | WIN | Sports/Recreation | A weightlifting club meant for female identifying and nonbinary students who may not be comfortable working out on their own. A club meant to help lift other women up and encourage each other. |
Active | Hornets' Nest Student Theatre | Undergraduate | WIN | Fine/Creative Arts | Each year, this group will produce one published musical. It will be completely cast, directed, designed, choreographed, and produced by students - bringing new experiences and enriching their lives in a way that might influence their career goals. | |
Active | Hypnos Theatre and Performance | HTP | Undergraduate | WIN | Fine/Creative Arts | Hypnos is a Student run Theater and Performance group, working towards furthering inclusivity in terms of gender and diversity through performance in the Winchester community. We want to give a voice to people from varied artistic backgrounds a safe space to collaborate, and innovate to tell their stories, or give a new take on already existing voices. |
Active | Industry Pharmacists Organization | IPhO | Graduate | HPB | Academic/Professional | Shenandoah IPhO members are recognized as the best prepared among all student pharmacists to pursue pharmaceutical industry-focused career opportunities. These students have an excellent working knowledge of common industry pharmacist roles. |
Pending | Intrafraternity Council | IFC | Graduate | HPB | Academic/Professional | This organization aims to run the rush process and intrafraternity events in the pharmacy program. |
Active | International Students Association | ISA | Undergraduate & Graduate | WIN | Cultural Diversity | The International Students Association is a vibrant, inclusive community that celebrates cultural diversity and fosters global understanding. We provide a supportive environment for international students to connect, share their experiences, and engage in cultural exchange. Whether you are an international student or someone interested in global cultures, our club welcomes you to be part of our dynamic community. |
Active | Kappa Kappa Psi | KKY | Undergraduate & Graduate | WIN | Academic/Professional | Fine/Creative Arts | Service | Co-ed service music fraternity that promotes the existence and welfare of the college and university bands and to cultivate at large a wholesome respect for their activities and achievements. |
Active | National Community Pharmacists Association | NCPA | Graduate | HPB | Academic/Professional | To offer student pharmacists opportunities to broaden educational experience especially as it relates to independent and community pharmacy. |
Active | Nursing Christian Fellowship | NCF | Undergraduate & Graduate | WIN | Religious | Nursing Christian Fellowship is a community of nursing students that strive to understand the calling God has placed upon our lives to love His people, be His hands, and have a network of faith to turn to. |
Active | Phi Delta Chi - Beta Pi | PDC | Graduate | HPB | Academic/Professional | Greek Lettered Organization | PDC is a professional pharmacy fraternity dedicated to service, leadership development, and brotherhood. |
Active | Phi Lambda Sigma | PLS | Graduate | HPB | Academic/Professional | Greek Lettered Organization | Honorary | Pharmacy Leadership Society |
Active | Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia - Nu Psi Chapter | PMA | Undergraduate | WIN | Academic/Professional | Greek Lettered Organization | The object of Phi Mu Alpha shall be for the development of the best and truest fraternal spirit, the mutual welfare and brotherhood of musical students, the advancement of music in America, and a loyalty to the alma mater. |
Active | Political Science Society | PSS | Undergraduate | WIN | Academic/Professional | The organization is a student organization within the Shenandoah University community. It is the purpose of the Political Science Society to promote political science through programs, field trips and such other activities designed to pique student interest in political science, assist students of Shenandoah University in the study of the discipline and prepare them for post graduate job opportunities in career related fields. |
Active | Pre Health Professions Club | PHPC | Undergraduate | WIN | Academic/Professional | The Pre-Health Professions Club supports and encourages the students of Shenandoah University in their endeavors to enter the life science and health care industry as physical therapists, pharmacists, physician assistants, physicians, occupational therapists, and other health care providers. The PHPC strives to instill in future health and life sciences professionals the importance of volunteerism and an understanding and appreciation of other professions in the health and life sciences community. |
Active | Pre-Med & Dentistry Club | PMDC | Undergraduate | WIN | Academic/Professional| Special Interest | The purpose of the Pre-Med and Dentistry Club is to provide a sense of community among peers with similar aspirations and with an understanding that we are all at different points on this journey. This club will provide opportunities to acquire knowledge of processes needed to apply to medical school or dental school. Assistance and validation is a goal of the club to allow students to feel as though they have the ability to achieve their goals and succeed as a physician or dentist. |
Active | Psychology Club | PC | Undergraduate | WIN | Academic/Professional | The Psychology Club is a special interest organization whose purpose is to encourage and stimulate its members in all fields of study, but particularly in psychology, and to advance the understanding of psychological issues and career related areas. |
Active | Rho Chi Honor Society | Rho Chi | Graduate | HPB | Academic/Professional | The Rho Chi Society, the Academic Honor Society in Pharmacy, encourages and recognizes excellence in intellectual achievement and advocates critical inquiry in all aspects of pharmacy. |
Active | Shenaniangans | SNN | Undergraduate & Graduate | WIN | Fine/Creative Arts | A group that focuses on putting up original sketch comedy performances monthly. Allowing students the opportunity to direct, write, and perform for their peers. |
Active | Shenandoah Backpacking Club | SBC | Undergraduate & Graduate | WIN | Special Interest | This organization will provide Shenandoah University students opportunities to explore the breathtaking natural scenery in Virginia and surrounding states through overnight and/or multi-day backpacking trips. These trips will be student led, student selected, and will allow for members to responsibly experience the many outdoor recreational sites located near our school. Backpacking is cost-effective, mentally and physically rewarding, and facilitates connection between oneself, others, and nature. |
Active | Shenandoah Conservatory National Association for Music Education | SC:NAfME | Undergraduate | WIN | Academic/Professional | Fine/Creative Arts | NAfME is the professional organization for all music educators. As a member of SC:NAfME, you will participate in activities and programs that will prepare you for your career as a musician teacher. |
Active | Shenandoah Conservatory Student Council | SCSC | Undergraduate & Graduate | WIN | Fine/Creative Arts | University Administrative Sponsored | We are a select group of dedicated students striving to work together with both students and faculty to bring together all factions within Shenandoah Conservatory. |
Active | Shenandoah History Club | SHC | Undergraduate | WIN | Academic/Professional | Cultural Diversity | Special Interest | Shenandoah History Club stimulates interest in history and works to restore, research, and investigate moments and places in History to help better understand our past. This club is open to not just those in the History program, but to anyone who is interested in learning more about humanity and its story. Members will be able to develop professional skills, support the community and its understanding of history, and casually enjoy all aspects of history. |
Active | Shenandoah University Music Therapy Association | SUMTA | Undergraduate & Graduate | WIN | Academic/Professional | Fine/Creative Arts | The purpose of the Shenandoah University Music Therapy Association (SUMTA) is to promote awareness, establishment, and growth of music therapy within Shenandoah University and the greater community. |
Active | Shenandoah University Physician Assistant Student Society | SUPASS | Graduate | HPB, LOU | Academic/Professional | Benefit ourselves as PA students, our program and our community. Pursue integrity, equality, dignity and competence for the physician assistant as a health practitioner. |
Active | Shenandoah Veterans & Supporters | SVS | Undergraduate & Graduate | WIN | Academic/Professional | Special Interest | Shenandoah Veterans & Supporters is an inclusive group for all members of the Shenandoah community who are veterans, active duty, or who have an interest in supporting military members and their families. |
Active | ShenCo Flute Club | SCFC | Undergraduate & Graduate | WIN | Academic/Professional, Fine/Creative Arts, Special Interest | The purpose of this organization is to cultivate a community of flutists and flute enthusiasts at Shenandoah University, provide and promote opportunities for learning, performance, professional networking, and organizational leadership. |
Active | Sigma Rho Delta | SRD | Undergraduate | WIN | Fine/Creative Arts | Greek Lettered Organization | Honorary | To promote unity within the dance department, promote interest in dance and to serve the community |
Active | Sport Business Association | SBA | Undergraduate & Graduate | WIN | Academic/Professional | Sports/Recreation | The Sport Business Association is a student run organization for undergraduate and graduate students that provides its members with opportunities to gain invaluable experience and knowledge within the field of sport management. |
Active | Student National Pharmaceutical Association | SNPhA | Graduate | HPB, | Academic/Professional | SNPhA is an educational service association of pharmacy students who are concerned about pharmacy and healthcare related issues, and the poor minority representation in pharmacy and other health-related professions. |
Active | Student Nurses Association | SNA LOU | Undergraduate | LOU | Academic/Professional | This organization aims to facilitate communication between students and current nurses, professors, and other healthcare professionals to provide a well-rounded experience through the nursing program and to aid in the development of the whole student. |
Active | Student Nursing Association | SU SNA | Undergraduate | WIN | Academic/Professional | Special Interest | University Administrative Sponsored | To foster a sense of community, educate, and inspire young nurses, promote leadership and professionalism within the Shenandoah University School of Nursing, and improve the community as a whole. |
Active | Shenandoah University Nursing Mentors | SUNM | Undergraduate | WIN | Academic/Professional | Upperclass nursing students mentor and guide younger nursing students to success as they navigate their undergraduate program. The mentors will foster professionalism, leadership, and community between all nursing levels. |
Active | Student Occupational Therapy Association (MSOT) | SOTA-MSOT | Graduate | LOU | Academic/Professional | Cultural Diversity | Service | To enhance the knowledge of the profession of occupational therapy through professional, educational, communal, and social activities. SOTA facilitates opportunities for leadership, professional development, social inclusion, and camaraderie. |
Active | Student Occupational Therapy Association (OTD) | SOTA-OTD | Graduate | HPB | Academic/Professional | Cultural Diversity | Service | To enhance the knowledge of the profession of occupational therapy through professional, educational, communal, and social activities. SOTA facilitates opportunities for leadership, professional development, social inclusion, and camaraderie. |
Active | Student Virginia Education Association: Aspiring Educators | SVEA-AE | Undergraduate | WIN | Academic/Professional | The Student Virginia Education Association- Aspiring Educators (SVEA-AE) is a professional pre-service teacher organization. The association gives opportunities for college students to explore education as a profession. |
Active | SUrreal: Choreography Troupe | SUrreal | Undergraduate | WIN | Fine/Creative Arts | We are a choreography troupe generating opportunities for artists of all skill levels to create, improve and express themselves through the art of dance! |
Active | SWARM Music Group | SWARM | Undergraduate | WIN | Fine/Creative Arts | SWARM is an organization focused on promoting original musicians on campus through recording, promotion and live events. |
Active | Student Chapter of the Virginia Society of Health System Pharmacists | SVSHP | Graduate | HPB | Academic/Professional | Our organization specializes in preparing student pharmacists who wish to explore and shape advancing roles in the universe of pharmacy. |
Active | Student Government Association | SGA | Undergraduate & Graduate | WIN, HPB, LOU | Special Interest | University Administrative Sponsored | The Student Government Association is the advocacy group representing all Shenandoah students. SGA members are the students who lead the way toward making your campus experience memorable. |
Active | The Haus of Hornets | HoH | Undergraduate & Graduate | WIN | Cultural Diversity | Fine/Creative Arts | Special Interest | The Haus of Hornets is a student organization dedicated to drag culture and performance. Our mission is to bring the art of drag to Shenandoah University and provide the opportunity for people interested in practicing drag to practice in a safe space. |
Active | The Hidden Opponent | THO | Undergraduate & Graduate | WIN | Special Interest | Sports/Recreation | Together We Will Face #TheHiddenOpponent We are an advocacy group that raises awareness for student-athlete mental health and addresses the stigma within sports culture. We empower athletes around the world to face the hidden opponent together! |
Active | The Loose Screws | Undergraduate | WIN | Fine/Creative Arts | Special Interest | A rhythm tap group dedicated to teaching advanced tap dancing to interested performers. | |
Pending | Valley Star Media | VSM | Undergraduate | WIN | Academic/Professional | Cultural Diversity | Fine/Creative Arts | Media | Special Interest | Valley Star Media aims to establish and cultivate the love for TV, film, and the media arts through a network where local filmmakers, producers, and creatives can connect and work together. |
Active | United States Institute of Theatre Technology | USITT | Undergraduate | WIN | Fine/Creative Arts | Academic/Professional | USITT (United States Institute for Theatre Technology) is a prominent professional organization in the field of performing arts and entertainment technology. Founded in 1960, it is dedicated to advancing education, collaboration, and innovation within the industry. It welcomes members from all backgrounds, including professionals, educators, students, and enthusiasts. USITT offers various programs, including an annual conference, publications, awards, and grants, making it a valuable resource for those involved in theatre technology and design in the United States. |
Active | Waffle Wednesday | WW | Undergraduate | WIN | Special Interest | Social club intended to provide students with a comfortable place to meet others outside of sports, programs, etc, and bond over waffles and games. |
Active | Young Life | YL | Undergraduate | WIN | Religious | Young Life at Shenandoah University is an organization that exists to introduce college students to Jesus Christ and help them grow in their faith. We want to show our fellow students what it looks like to be fully known and fully loved! |